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Scholarships information all in one place


There are two key avenues available for funding assistance to attend QueenslandinSpires 2023:

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Application Process

It is recommended that applicants use the following procedure to apply for Queensland Branch Scholarships:

  1. Register for QueenslandinSpires via the website. This helps quantify the registration cost applicable to you, and therefore the potential value of the scholarship requested.

  2. Select your payment method. You can either pay the full amount by EFT or credit card and have the scholarship reimbursed to you at a later time (if successful), or simply elect to pay by EFT and hold off on the transfer pending the outcome of your scholarship application

  3. Fill in the application form. You will find this on our website, or via the link below.

  4. Wait to hear from us. Naturally, we will await the bulk of applications before selecting successful applicants in order to ensure that these funds go to those who need them the most.

Terms and Conditions

Your application is based on your adhering to our terms and conditions, which include the following:

  • Applications are to be made in writing in the digital form available on the QueenslandinSpires website only.Applications received by other means will not be accepted.

  • The scholarships committee may seek further information from an applicant or request an online meeting to interview the applicant

  • The course proposed by the applicant is subject to approval by the committee

  • As a membership organisation, preferential treatment may be given to those who are a member of RSCM or sing in an RSCM-affiliated choir, but this is not a prerequisite for a successful application

  • Successful applicants are responsible for their course registration, travel arrangements and travel insurance and for satisfying any immigration/visa requirements

  • The committee may award or not award bursaries in its sole discretion. Reasons for its decisions will not be published. Both successful and unsuccessful applications will be so advised in writing.

  • Failure (for whatever reason) by a successful applicant to attend the course for which the scholarship was granted renders the applicant liable to repay the amount of the bursary granted. Exceptions may be granted upon consideration of the scholarships committee in extenuating circumstances.

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